Saturday, February 05, 2005

Early Saturday

I was freaking out a little last night because I still didn't have a drama written or cast for Sunday. I went to bed at 10:45, and set my alarm for 6. So I got up early this morning, got a sketch written (thanks be to God for inspiring me!), and now I'm catching up on reading some blogs before the little ones (and the big one) find me in the office!

Church news: We're finishing our series about relationships tomorrow. Eric called recent visitors yesterday & found that men really like his messages. This is good! (Not that we want to alienate women, but typically churches draw more women than men. If you "get" the men, you will generally get the women anyway. There's your little bit of church strategy for today) Also, since I haven't done a drama sketch for 2 weeks, people were asking when we'd have one again. There's the pressure... ;-)

Never before have Eric and I rubbed shoulders with soooo MANY people who are seeking God for the first time in their lives! Just yesterday he met with a man who sat right there with him in Perkins and asked God to forgive him and lead his life!! YEAAAH!

Aidan got a nice (very short) haircut yesterday. I tried to use the clippers, but his hair's too fine, and it pulled. So it was a 1/2 inch cut with scissors all the way around. He didn't sit still very well, so it took awhile, but he ate a sucker and played with the clipper supplies, so it worked out. Braden is next, though he's not excited about it.

We bought paint for our living room yesterday, with the cash from a couple of things I returned to Wal Mart. It's some version of light brown. We were going to paint last night, but were too tired. Eric says maybe Monday, but I have a paper to write Monday, so...

Our van is back, but the temp. gauge is reading funny, so we're still watching it.

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl (not that Eric or I really care about football), and 2 families in our church are hosting parties. During half time, we'll be showing a DVD we bought from Sports Spectrum. It's football-related and evangelistic in nature. Praying that people will bring unbelieving friends who might be reached by this message.

Tara is keeping my children today so I can go to the small group leaders lunch with Eric. Nice!

Have a blessed day in which each moment is lived in the Spirit!


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