Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Catching Up

Well it's Tuesday, and I'm catching up on laundry and cleaning. So much goes on around here. It's NUTS!

The meal-sharing group I'm a part of (have I mentioned this before?) is exchanging meals today (& yesterday). Veeeerrrry cool. I made a GIANT batch of chili yesterday while I (tried) to do homework. Sunday night I cooked 2 big pans of chicken thighs & cut 'em up & combined it with alfredo sauce. Then I bagged all of it in gallon bags & froze it. So between yesterday and today, I'm giving 2 meals with each other lady in the group in exchange for 2 meals from them. Tara's entire family (except Trig!) is sick, so she's going to do hers later this week, but Mary made meatloaf and a tater tot casserole (or "hot dish," as they call it up here). Tammy made a chicken stuffing "hot dish" and calzones. YUM! Tara is making enchiladas and something else--I can't remember. I welcome your ideas (just post a comment on this blog) as to good main dishes to freeze.

Oooh...Eric's home from a meeting!

Have a good day!


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