Thursday, January 27, 2005


Apparently this blogging is contagious, because first there was Kelli. Then there was me. Then there were Tara, her aunt Ellie, and Kristin. Any new takers? Mary?

Truly, this is a journal for those who hate to journal. We should probably print them now and then and keep them for our descendants to read. :-)

Also, though, to my girlfriends: we should always remember that what goes into print stays in print, and we should always be careful what we say. "When words are many, sin is not absent," says scripture, and we want our words to always be uplifting and of our own business!

(Now that I'm a pastor's wife, I have to say things like that.) hee hee...

Well, I'm holding a sick little boy & I have Tara's three youngins coming in 30 minutes, at which time Braden will be dropped off from wrestling, and I should have dinner done & eaten...and it's not started! We're running slow today! Eric's Dead Theologians' Society starts tonight, so he's gone already.

BTW, for those who knew I was worried about logistics for baptism this Sunday, the portable hot tub is in my driveway this very moment, and the theater management is totally fine with us bringing water in the theater! Whew...

God is good...for so many reasons!


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