Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Tuesday Dec. 7

Tonight Braden gets to go to his first wrestling practice! Since his daddy wrestled and has taught him some moves, we think Braden has a jump start on the rest of the guys. We'll see! Wrestling is held at a local jr. high school, and will go through March, I believe.

Last night I finished up my Business Law class, with the exception of a final paper that I must postmark by next Monday. No school again until January, and then 19 straight weeks until graduation!

This week we have our Christmas Open House Friday night for all the nursery, kids, and student ministry volunteers. Saturday is a luncheon here for new people, and Tuesday is another Open House for other volunteers--setup, tech, music, drama, hospitality, greeting, etc...

Sunday we had almost 150 people again. Very neat!

Keep in touch!


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