Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Foggy Day

It's Wednesday, almost noon. We just returned from dance class & taking the white car to Precision to have the leak in the power steering fluid fixed. Eric's at a ministerial luncheon at a local church, Braden's taking another math test (so far we've tested him 9 chapters ahead of where he was, and he's still getting A's, usually 97+ on each test); Holland and Aidan are playing, and I'm stealing a moment of peace.

My back and neck are pretty stiff. I had a chiropractor adjustment Monday, but still need some serious stretching. I had a headache most of yesterday. My Sunday afternoon headache seems to be dragging on. (No, I'm not sure why I get a headache every Sunday afternoon / evening. Am trying to be sure to get my usual caffeine, thinking that the Sun. a.m. rush was limiting my coffee intake, and that may be the culprit, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.)

Tonight we have 2 couples coming for dinner to discuss the youth ministry they will be starting. Tomorrow night we have 1 couple from church coming, so we can get to know them. They also live in Otsego. Friday night Eric has arranged for a sitter, so I guess we're going out!

Well, I'm off to make some lunch & probably referee some more fights between my children. Whew...we need prayer on that one.



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