Sunday, November 14, 2004


Hello, Y'all,

It's 8:05 Sunday night, and I thought I'd drop a line on this site.
We had a great day. Eric spoke on "Surprised by God's Indulgence" (grace). He used the story of the prodigal son. It was fantastic, and with a tearjerker drama reading (a modern version of the prodigal son), and an emphasis on extending grace & forgiveness to others, many people told us how much God worked in their hearts today. We had between 135-150 (we had a new guy do the count and it was a little off), so the room felt pretty full. More first-timers. Next week we're having a Thanksgiving banquet--turkey and all--at a local facility after church. Don't worry, mom and grandpa & grandma...I'm not in charge of it AT ALL. No sweat. I just have to roast a turkey to take. After the meal, we'll be packing & wrapping shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

We had a couple over for lunch, and I made waffles and scrambled eggs with the unused eggs I'd prepared to scramble for the brunch here yesterday. We had lots of sausage left over, too, so it provided an easy lunch today. Fortunately, we were able to take a nap while Aidan slept--our company didn't stay too long. Braden got to go play with like 5 other boys at the Fellner's house, and he had a BLAST. Then we canceled our Sunday evening meeting where we usually evaluate the morning's service with about 10 core people, and took the family to see The Incredibles instead (at "church", of course! Aidan thinks our church shows movies!) It was a VERY family-friendly film, with an emphasis on a strong family bond. Grrrreat!

The brunch yesterday went well. We had 7 adults and several children. A teenage girl and a man from our church watched the kids for us in the basement, where they ate pop tarts & had juice boxes & grapes. I served bagels, eggs, sausage & fruit. Eric shared with them the background of our church and what we're all about, as well as what membership requires, etc. In the afternoon we went to Tara's daughter Kylie's birthday party for a little while, but came home early so Eric could work. We are quite tired tonight.

Eric was just on the phone with Marc, making Thanksgiving plans. Wow, time flies!



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