Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Wednesday at the Dykstras

Well, Aidan threw up during the night Monday night, but since he seemed fine yesterday, we figured it was something he ate. Then he threw up during the night last night and then again his apple juice this morning. So he must have a virus. (Braden and I were sick a week and a half ago).

Regardless, I had to take Holland to ballet at 10:15, and Eric had meetings at 9 and 10 here, plus his 10:00 was bringing their little daughter, so I took Aidan with me & held him during ballet so he wouldn't spread his germs to the other families. I left Braden here to do schoolwork and entertain the little girl if needed.

The thrift store is having 50% off all their clothes (including new clothes) until tomorrow. I sneaked out last night for about an hour and came home with 4 pairs of pants for $6.25!!! This is wonderful, because I really struggle to find something to wear on Sundays. (I don't wear skirts much becuase of the modesty issue related to the drama sketches on stage.) (Plus it's very cold here.) I was hoping to go again today after ballet to find a couple of sweaters or nice shirts, some pj's for Braden and Aidan, and a dress for Holland, (hopefully for under $10 total!) but I had to get home to Braden so Eric could leave for his Elk River Ministerial Assoc. meeting at 11:45. (He really had to go today because they're voting on a chairperson, and there's a woman minister with a gay agenda trying to get in. Ick.)

Yesterday I, along with 3 other women, started a meal sharing group. I made pizzas ready for cooking or freezing, Tara made Swedish meatballs & provided uncooked egg noodles, Mary made homemade chicken noodle veggie soup, and Tammy didn't cook this time b/c she's been out of town. We had the meatballs for dinner & are finishing them at lunch. YUM! We're hoping to get one more person in on this, and eventually maybe make 2 meals each so that whe we do the exchange, we each get 10 meals out of it. Buying in bulk makes this pretty economical & I'm pretty excited about it!

Church news: We had almost 150 Sunday, and this Saturday we're doing another intro. to The Crossing @ Woodland brunch at our house. Next week small groups start up, as well as Eric's theology class. The local Alliance church is allowing him to use a classroom on Thursday nights for this class. I will be watching Trig, Ty, and Kylie at our house so Tara and Daemynn (our good friends) can both go to this class. The 30th we're having our first baptism! There are 3 or 4 people planning to be baptized.

Our website is still under construction in several areas, but much of it is up and running. You can check it out at

Have a great week!


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