Thursday, January 20, 2005

Darn Late Night Meetin'

Well, it's 10:15 p.m., and Eric is in the back porch with 5 other men, his Advisory Board. They've been in there since 7:30. I've been in and out with snacks, drinks, cookies, and, yes, most recently...Altoids. It's really hot in there to me, but when I tried to leave the door open they said it was too breezy. Must be all the hot air they're blowing in there (those were their words--not mine).

Braden had wrestling tonight. Actual scrimmages. He was weighed first (50 lbs. even!) and then pitted against another kid his size. Just his luck: it was the coach's kid. You know, the one fully outfitted in wrestling singlet and shoes. The one who cleaned Braden's clock last time they practiced together. Well, would you belive for the first round, Braden took that kid down and kept him there 'till the whistle!! He didn't pin him, but he actually was using the "half Nelson" move to render the other kid immobile. We were SOOOOO proud & BOY, did it do wonders for Braden's self esteem. So far in wrestling, he's come home pretty defeated each time. You should've seen his smile. Beforehand, B's ears were BRIGHT red, he was so nervous. The other kid pinned Braden in the second round, but not before our young man received a good shot of self confidence!

Holland cut her own hair today. Just a little lock, and with all her curls, I didn't even bother trying to find the gap--it's not noticeable. Funny, though...just yesterday at dance class, I sat there listening to all the scissors stories from the other moms, thinking it was interesting that we hadn't had any sibling haircuts yet, and wouldn't ya know Holland did it to herself today?! )She didn't even hear that conversation yesterday!) hmm... I didn't freak out. She was so pleased with herself! "Look! I cut my hair!" (Big smile on her face.) I just said "You sure did. And don't ever do it again, or else...")

Eric and I are badly in need of a vacation. We're trying to figure out where we could go (cheap) with the kids to relax for several days in February (between Sundays). Today he suggested Colorado. Boy, that sounds exhausting. The Costa Rica trip that we're planning for June is on hold at the moment, as we pray for financial wisdom. Another possibility is the Cedarly Pastor's Retreat place we've been to before in WI. It's wonderful there... We'll just have to see how God guides.

Well the meeting seems to still be going strong, so I think I'll just head to bed without Eric. Funny: he's been gone all day today for various appointments & meetings. I'm just not used to that any more! We're so fortunate that he works at home! It's certainly a perk of church planting!

Love from all of us...


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