Friday, January 21, 2005

Wrong! I was wrong!

Come to find out, Braden weighs 55 lb., not 50. Incidentally, Aidan weighs 31, and Holland weighs 40! But they asked what I weigh, and I wouldn't tell them.

I ventured out this afternoon to run two errands, and, WOW... it's snowy! It's been coming down all day. I've heard between 6 and 10 inches are coming by midnight. Then it's supposed to blow around. We're debating cancelling our brunch for tomorrow. The snow plows, at present, are not keeping up with the mess. Who knows what tomorrow a.m. will look like? Driving was treacherous (how's that for a description?), but the worst part was pushing my grocery cart to the van. It was like pushing a... well, ... a grocery cart through 3 inches of snow and mud (that wasn't quite so descriptive).

So while I was out, I picked up a video for the children and one for us. We originally had plans to go out with a couple from church tonight, but our babysitter, Cassie, has bronchitis. So the plans have switched to watching a movie with them after the children go to bed at 8.

For those of you who know my friend Tara, she's blogging now. It's
www. Also--you can reply to any blog by simply clicking on the word "comments" at the bottom. Then it will let you click on "post a comment." Note: your reply will be visible to anyone reading my blog.

Eric had lunch today with a man from Holland. Holland found that fascinating. She's flitting about the house today in a lovely velvet skirt and shirt, with lipstick on her cute little lips. Suuuuuch a girrrrrl..... She adores dresses and skirts. She actually "sneaks" to wear them when she knows I'll want her to wear pants to stay warmer. I told her to put something on her feet today (as I always do) and she came out with athletic socks on, and a big frown. It looked ugly, she said, so then she put on her ballet slippers. Much better.


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