Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Only on Wednesdays

It appears from my blogging history that Wednesdays are convenient blogging days for me.
I guess it's because Sunday is busy, Monday is school, Tuesday is recovery (& small group now), and by Wed. evening I'm able to sneak away and jot a note.

New stuff: Eric led a man from church to Christ on Sunday afternoon after lunch at our house! Yeah, GOD!!! There were 153 at church. We had several newcomers over for lunch. Tara's friend Steph came to our church for the first time & brought her 3 kids. My friend Mary from school came, along with her husband and a young boy they keep on the weekends sometimes. They moved in Nov. to Otsego, and are looking for a church close to their new home.

If all goes according to plan (barring any difficulty with the theater management), we will be having a baptism on Sunday. Several people have been meeting with Eric about this. Very exciting!

We held our first small group in our home last night. We had about 15 adults here, plus a couple of children along with ours. These people are from various economic levels and range in age from about 20 to 55, so it's very interesting. The one thing in common: they have a very basic (if that) knowledge of what it means to follow Jesus. (Our group is called Investigating God). All of them wrote down their biggest questions about following Jesus on 3x5 cards, and Eric will be addressing them according to scripture for the next couple of months on Tuesday nights. WOW! It's so neat to see people so hungry to learn the basics!!

Josh & Kristin had their first small group last night also. They had around the same number, and when we talked to Josh around 10:30, he was pretty excited about how well it went. Theirs is a young adult (singles) group discussing unconventional ministry. Chrissie is in that group, along with her friends Wes and Donny, who are both new (or pre-) believers.

Eric has about 12 signed up for Dead Theologian's Society beginning Thursday night. The topic for the first 6 weeks is the authenticity of the Bible.

It appears that on Feb. 20, we will head for a long-haul drive to Alabama, and will return home by noon the 25th. We seriously need to get away, and really want to see my family there. Praying this works out without much difficulty...

Also.... mark your calendars... I graduate (God willing) from Northwestern on May 14. I don't know the time yet, but hopefully it won't conflict wtih Holland's dance recital rehearsal. Her recital is either the 15th or the 20th (or somewhere around there). We're hoping for the afternoon of the 15th so that those of you who are here for my grad. can also go to Holland's recital! Fun!

Well I'm expecting two little girls from our church to be here in about 15 minutes, so I'd better put supper on. Skyler (3) and Bryn (7 months) will be spending the evening with us while their mom works. They're adorable, so Holland is going to love it. I'm thinking we'll let Braden play his video game for some of the time to prevent girl-overload.

Email or comment here. I'd love to hear from you!


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