Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Big Trouble

So here's a prayer request: We just had our van diagnosed with a bad gasket somewhere in the cooling system (this is not the first time for this. GM really did a number on these gaskets), and we're looking at about $650 in repairs, because for this one dumb gasket, guess what... They have to take the whole top of the engine off. The good news: they lowered labor for us, knocking off about $150 from the original $800 quote. Also, we trust these guys--have been working with them for a few years.

So... I'm headed out to buy a lottery ticket. JUST KIDDING!

Choosing to walk by faith and not worry.

Oops... had to choose again for the next moment. Gulp. Pray that I can keep choosing faith!

Have a good one!


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