Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Small Group Last Night

We had our second meeting of small group last night. It was at someone else's home, so there was much more space. Chrissie's friends Donnie and Wes came. They'd tried Kris & Josh's group last week, but most of the people there have been Christians "forever". Our group is much more suited to them. It is really neat being part of a group where almost everyone is a new believer. Eric is allowing them to voice their different answers to questions ("Is Jesus the only way to heaven, or do all religions pretty much lead to the same place?") and then he shares scripture, asks more questions, and lets the obvious conclusion based on scripture come forth.

I prayed for each of the women in the group last night, as we split up men/women and shared joys & trials of the past week. I was surprised and touched when one of the girls (of the "apprentice" leaders couple) asked if she could pray for me. Much needed.

Sarah & Jamie Murillo from church watched our kids and the 2 little girls we watched last week (her mom needed to work & she has no childcare). It was a huge blessing to both us and the other mom.

Well it's 12:32, so I must go make some PBJ sandwiches!


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