Thursday, February 03, 2005


At long last...after repeated requests from Tara and now Tammy... the easy (my) way to make bread for the family...

FRENCH BREAD (mixed in machine; baked in oven)

Get out bread maker pan, pour into it 2 1/4 c. lukewarm (room temp. or so) water.

Add a chunk (1.5T.) of room temp. butter.

Loosely spoon flour into 1 c. measure with a giant spoon, level each cup. (6.5 cups flour).

On top, sprinkle 2 T. sugar, 1 T. salt.

Make a little well in the top, add 5 T. yeast (Not touching water. I don't know why.)

Put into bread machine, set cycle for dough, start machine.

After a minute, use a butter knife to help the machine mix the dough. The reason you need to do this is because this recipe is DOUBLE the regular dough recipe. Check back a few minutes later and help stir if needed to be sure the dough forms a ball.

Dough will likely "explode" over the top of the machine as it rises. Prop open the machine lid with a wooden spoon or something, and drape a towel over it to keep dough from drying out.

When there are a few minutes left in the cycle,
1. spray 2 cookie sheets
2. sprinkle flour on counter
3. preheat oven to just a little warm
4. set teapot to boil water

When cycle is done, empty dough onto floured counter, punch it all down & form into a ball, kneading a little bit until it's smooth & there are no air bubbles. Form into French bread loaves of whatever sizes you prefer, or will fit on your pans. If you wish, run a sharp knife across the tops to make a couple of slits.

Put in warm oven to raise, turn oven OFF.
Pour boiling water into a pan on the bottom of the oven, to steam it up & keep the bread from drying out. You can do this again in about 30 minutes. (or not. I usually forget.)

Raise 45 min. or so, CAREFULLY remove from oven (don't jostle the dough--it will fall), preheat oven to 350 or so, and then return to oven & bake.

Bread is done when it is golden & sounds kind of hollow when tapped. Another measure--pick it up; it shouldn't feel super heavy for its size. (I don't know how long to cook it--maybe 20 min.?)

Cool on racks, then wrap well in plastic wrap to store or freeze. Store in a cool place. Use within 2 days, or it will become stale.

Alterative: regular white bread: add 2 T. powdered milk powder to water, add 2 extra Tbs. sugar. Use only 3 c. flour, and put the flour in last, right before the yeast. Use greased loaf pans instead of cookie sheets.

PLEASE: Don't buy your yeast from Cub or Wal Mart. Let me know & I'll get you some SUPER cheap from Sam's club. Or you can just come & get a cupful from me. I have some that's expiring (thanks, Kristin!).


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