Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Holland and Aidan are home sick again. SIGH... DEEP SIGH...

And here's a good question: Why doesn't Braden get sick? He's the one who goes to school every day! (Not that I want him to get sick.) But...really. Why can't we keep our little ones from getting sick every two weeks? Aidan, especially. I really believe he has some virus down in his little toes, and it makes its way up every two weeks.

So I'm trying some of Aunt Julaine's suggestions. I'm soaking Aidan's feet in garlic/water. Eric says the house stinks...but, hey, I love garlic.

Eric and I were blessed to be able to spend Sunday night at the Butler House in Mankato, a B&B that was given to us when some of our church people submitted our names in a drawing from KTIS radio during Clergy Appreciation Month. Britney's Christmas gift to us was keeping our children so we could go. WHAT A BLESSING!

We drove down Sunday evening, arrived at 5:30, and were shown to our room. After dinner out, we retired to our room, and, believe it or not, went to sleep at like 9:30. (Keep in mind it was Sunday night.) We were served a delicious breakfast in a formal dining room & enjoyed learning the history of the mansion from the host. They had a Steinway Grand in the foyer, so I got to tickle the ivories a little bit. Aah, the joy of playing a piano that is in TUNE. Mine is not.

We returned to Otsego & had lunch at Blackwoods (still had our gift card), and returned home before 2. I suppose Brit had an easier time with the kids since they were sick. More mellow that way. :-)

Wanna hear another story of God providing? Eric (the movie buff) wanted to take the kids to see the Pink Panther, but due to our financial project, we chose not to spend the cash (5 of us to a movie costs a pretty shiny penny.) On Friday, a friend called and asked if we wanted to see the Pink Panther. I said, yes, but "we're not spending any extra money right now." She said, "Well the reason I ask is because I have tickets for your family. I got them free, and don't care about that movie." How is THAT for God giving us the desires of our heart?!! We went last night as a family. And the theater had a special with Domino's... with our movie stub, we got an XL pizza for $5 afterward. Can you believe it??!! So we had supper in the van on the way home & then put the kiddies to bed.

Aidan's fever was over 102 during the night, so I gave him some ibuprophen. Holland called them in sick to school today. It was very cute.

Well that's the latest with us!

God Bless You!

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Saturday morning. I did something today that I don't think I've EVER done before. Or not, at least, in the last 5 years. I read my whole Better Homes and Gardens magazine in the course of one morning. WOW! My excuse for this blatant display of laziness? My upper back/neck REALLY hurt today. Have been feeling tight/hurting since Tuesday. I went to see "Dr. Brent" yesterday for an adjustment. Then...last night, this morning...aaahh, PAIN. Yes, sometimes the adjustment aggravates it. I'm hoping it works itself out. Eric has rubbed it for me-- my skin actually feels a bit bruised...but it remains really tight & painful. Sigh.

But, hey, I thoroughly enjoyed my magazine.

Eric's on the phone, but he'll be off in a sec. & will want the laptop back. It's Saturday, after all. Day of household chores & relaxing for "normal" people. Full day of work for my Eric.

We're starting the financial management series tomorrow. Yippee! Praying for God's wisdom to go forth...and for many ears to hear the word & lives to change! I have the morning off from "drama", but am opening the kids mistry morning instead.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Yep, for any of you Seinfeld watchers, I have a label. Not an anti-dentite, but an anti-drive-ite. I hate driving. Pretty much anywhere. Which is why, if you're my Mom, or anyone from out of state, I only call you on the phone if I'm driving. Don't worry--I'm an EXCELLENT multi-tasker. Though I'd really like to eliminate multi-tasking from my life. But that's for another rant...I mean, blog.

Anyway, Eric is driving to pick Braden up today. He's multi-tasking, too. He actually took TWO phones with him so he can make all the calls that pastors have to make, while he drives. He's not a great multi-tasker, though, so your prayers would be apprecaited. :-) He's meeting his dad & Braden in Albert Lea. We're pretty excited! We've missed our Braden. Braden says he's excited to be coming home, but bummed, too.

Holland had a tummyache this morning, which prompted me to nix the dance class plans. She's feeling better now, and dance doesn't start for another 10 minutes, but, alas, we don't have a car. Brit will be here shortly & technically we could borrow hers, or Chrissie's truck--she's on her way, too...but, hey, we already made our plans.

Mailing day today! We're sending out the ad for the new series at church. 330 postcards to our current database. That's why Chrissie's coming. She's going to help us stick labels & stamps.

This week we're also addressing WHERE to put all the babies that keep showing up to our church nursery! Tara & Steph had 15 babies last Sunday (they had helpers too), but they're crammed into the spot between the front theater row and the screen in a small theater. We're also making plans for further alleviation of space for the fall. Maybe a local community center gym. Your prayers, again, would be really appreciated.

Well I'm off to cut postcards! You can see a similar ad for the new series on www.CrossingAtWoodland.com.

Have a great day!
Sola Deo Gloria!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Sabbath Monday #3

Well this Sabbath Monday has been productive--in a restful sort of way.

Eric is starting a series this Sunday on Financial Management, so for a week I've been reading Dave Ramsey's book "Total Money Makeover", since Eric ordered a bunch of them to sell at the BookShop. (We always sell --at cost-- books related to the current message topics). Well, let me tell you, it's FANTASTIC! Not a get-rich-easy thing or anything. More like a change-your-heart-and-tighten-your-belt thing. Get out of debt like a madman. Then plan for the future.

So I've been working up a plan to get out of debt (yes, we do have debt). And I haven't been "allowed" to talk to Eric about it until today, when he was finished with the Ten Commandments series. Now he's ready to focus on money--both what the Bible says about it (for his sermons)--AND what Dave Ramsey says about it (for our personal use/practical steps to share in the sermons). I'm VERY excited about the process...and I'm praying that my husband will be too. Well, he is...except money isn't really his favorite topic to mess with. This whole thing was HIS idea. I'm just implementing. According to my Best Case Scenario workup, we could have NO DEBT except for the mortgage and some student loans by January. (I'll let ya know how that works out!) :-) We could use your prayers!

God (by way of a family in our church) blessed us yesterday with a gift card to a favorite restaurant, for use on our Sabbath--so I don't have to cook! We didn't arrange for a sitter today--but rather, Eric will be picking up our dinner "to go" this evening. I'm so excited...their Reubens are SCRUMPTIOUS! We'll be using that gift card for the next 2 Mondays! Maybe next week we'll go out instead.

Eric went to Cabela's with a friend today, and spent some of his Christmas gift card from Chrissie & Garrett. He came home & strung his Muskie pole with new line. He's so anxious for fishing season, he can practically taste the fried Pike. He gets his fishing & boat licenses on March 1, if we stay under budget. :-)

Braden's enjoying himself in Arizona, though Grandpa Dykstra got the flu. He said they eat out every day, and he's been swimming in the heated pool...and roller blading. The first morning there, he said he & Grandpa Boehlje picked a grapefruit off the tree & split it for breakfast. I bought him a disposable camera, and he said he got a picture of a scorpion and jumping cactus. I hope they turn out!

Holland's thoroughly enjoying sharing a bedroom with someone (she has taken over Braden's bed). Aidan is keeping us busier than ever. And he's thoroughly enjoying the "special privileges" he's getting with some of the toys since his brother's gone.

Dave (our pastor of worship arts) turned 24 yesterday. He brought some leftover cake to work with him today, so we enjoyed some of that. His family was up from IA for the weekend.

I'm itchy today since we ran out of water softener salt & though we filled it last night, it hasn't softened all the water yet. (No, I don't know how it works.)

Don't forget to post a comment or email me & let me know how you are.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Snowing in Iowa

Eric's on a snowy road today. He left yesterday afternoon with Braden, heading for Des Moines.
Tonight Braden & Eric's parents will drive to Omaha & fly to Phoenix to hang with Grandpa & Grandma Boehlje till Tuesday. We're really excited about this opportunity for Braden to see Arizona & get some quality 4 on 1 time with the grandparents & great grandparents. I see a bit of spoiling in his future...but that's ok, I suppose. He will enjoy roller blading & swimming with Grandpa Dykstra...and probably eating "out"a lot. Braden actually took his first steps in the Boehjle's house in Mesa when he was 9 months old!

I'm praying for Eric's safety. He called me from Clear Lake, IA, about 2 hours ago, where he was stopping for coffee. Off the interstate, the roads weren't plowed. But he HAD to go to the coffee shop in old-town Clear Lake, as McDonald's or Casey's coffee would be totally unacceptable. The funny part: He got out of the van to run across the street & go into the coffee shop-- and got yelled at by an "old lady" ... "Young man, where's your coat? You should be wearing a coat in this weather!" Then, inside the coffee shop, "You're traveling? Where you from? You shouldn't be traveling today! You should stop and wait this storm out." Apparently everyone in small town Iowa has a grandparent complex. Made him feel like a farm boy again. :-)

Holland and Aidan are experiencing life for the first time without Braden. I think they like it just a bit, but I have a funny feeling that they will be very happy when he gets back home. Holland & Aidan are such good buddies, I wonder how Aidan will handle being home "alone" next year when Holland goest to school full-time.

I was able to lead small group last night, as "substitue teacher" since Eric was gone. Jumping off the Olympics theme, we talked about the passages in scripture where Paul refers to the Christian life as a race--and we are told to throw off sin that weighs us down & train ourselves to run "so as to win the prize". I'm no Eric--but the group went OK. I think. Of course, who would say, "Kelly, it stunk" ?? At least the food was great. Nikki & Derrick brought spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, AND cake. YUM.

I had two little people sleeping in my room last night. If you don't count Aidan's horizontal sleeping position, feet right in my stomach, and Holland's teeth grinding and snoring (yes, she does both)...it was a great night.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Sunday After The Saturday

God said "yes" to our prayers and brought 309 people to worship with us today!

Eric spoke about honoring one's parents...commandment number 5... excellent!

After church we were blessed to go to John & Peg Anderson's home close to Zimmerman, where they hosted the "lunch with the Dykstras" for newcomers, so that we wouldn't have to have it at our home, which --right after Sunday church--is exhausting for me. There were 20-30 people there, and it was a nice time to get to know some new people.

Janice & Cassie Berre, our longtime friends from Grace, took Aidan & Holland to see Curious George after church today. Janice said she wanted to see the movie, and she needed to "borrow" some kids so she & Cassie wouldn't look silly going alone.

We met them back at the house after their movie & our lunch...and we took our Sunday naps.
Tonight we're preparing for our second "official" sabbath Monday. Relaxing & ... well, relaxing. Sounds good!

Have a super week!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Saturday Before The Sunday

It's an unusual time for me to be blogging: Saturday night. And I do plan to be in bed in about five minutes, seeing as it's 9:56 pm, and 10:00 bedtime seems both feasible and desirable tonight. Eric's working in the living room, as he has all day. This is HIGHLY unusual, as he is easily distracted & generally hides deeply in his office all day Saturday to prepare for Sunday. He's made a royal effort today to stay in the living room & be extremely gracious about the chaos surrounding him. This is wonderful for us, as it feels like he's with us (physically) (though he's not, mentally).

We enjoyed breakfast with Eric's parents and Kristin & Josh this morning! Dykstras came up to Dunwoodys' last night, and after spending the morning & early afternoon at our house, headed home this afternoon. It was good to spend some time with them. Braden wasn't here for most of that visit, since he had an overnight birthday party (a rare occasion, but these are pretty good friends), and he'll be spending a week with the Dykstras in Arizona in just a few days.

Kristin & Josh had some good news to share today, but we won't spoil it for them in case they haven't told you yet. ;-)

Praying for over 300 at church tomorrow. God is doing some exciting things among us. Eric met with our missions team for the first time today. They will be responsible for finding missionaries for us to support (prayer, financial, other); supporting our church people in efforts of outreach both to our community and mission trips, etc. 5% of our church income is designated to missions. SO if you know of anyone who might like to share their missions work with our church & be considered for support, please pass their contact info. along to us.

All three of our children had haircuts today. I trimmed Aidan's bangs, but now I think he looks like a little Dutch girl. I think I need to take the scissors to some more of that blond hair again this week. Braden got a 1/2 inch buzz again (getting ready for Arizona!), and Holland had about 3 inches cut off, which, of course, looks much shorter since it's so light it curls right up again. I think her hair will thicken up a little more with this trim, so it won't be quite so flyaway. I think I'm going to give mine a shot this week. Eric will pay for his cut elsewhere. :-) I don't mess with his any more.

We'd appreciate your prayers as we make some financial overhauls in an effort to practice what we preach before we start a series on money management in 3 weeks. (It's called "MINE".)

OK, it's 10:07, so I'm off to bed (sorta).

Keep in touch!

God bless & keep you ... and make His face to shine upon you!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Almost Done!

The basement is looking GREAT!! Eric installed a door to the well pump room last night, where previously there was a warped piece of brown paneling screwed over the opening. YES, MY ERIC did that! Impressed? You should be. I know I am. :-) He's getting soooo good at these home improvement projects. Granted, the basement DOES look like a couple of amateurs installed the wainscoting, chair rail and molding along the floor and ceiling, but it was done by a couple of amateurs who are pretty proud of themselves! Today I'm doing paint touch ups, and covering the mud from some hole-filling Eric did last night. Then we're going to get that room cleaned up & start decorating the walls, etc. I have to (gulp) get out my sewing machine, replace the needle, and sew my curtains. They're red toile, and look fabulous against the blue walls (upper) and white wainscoting (lower).

Braden & I hit the thrift store yesterday & I found a chenille bedspread for $10, which makes a comfy throw over "Aunt Bertha's Chair".

We were going to move the ping pong table out of the basement and into the garage (brrrr) today, but we woke up this am. to about 6 inches of snow. Maybe not a good day to haul that amazingly heavy thing outside & up the hill. I'm hosting a ping pong tournament on Sunday at our Super Bowl party with our small group. So Eric said he'd heat the garage for us to play in there. Hmmm.

Dance class today... Braden's back to school... life is inching its way back to normal. Tomorrow it's back to business!