Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Saturday Before The Sunday

It's an unusual time for me to be blogging: Saturday night. And I do plan to be in bed in about five minutes, seeing as it's 9:56 pm, and 10:00 bedtime seems both feasible and desirable tonight. Eric's working in the living room, as he has all day. This is HIGHLY unusual, as he is easily distracted & generally hides deeply in his office all day Saturday to prepare for Sunday. He's made a royal effort today to stay in the living room & be extremely gracious about the chaos surrounding him. This is wonderful for us, as it feels like he's with us (physically) (though he's not, mentally).

We enjoyed breakfast with Eric's parents and Kristin & Josh this morning! Dykstras came up to Dunwoodys' last night, and after spending the morning & early afternoon at our house, headed home this afternoon. It was good to spend some time with them. Braden wasn't here for most of that visit, since he had an overnight birthday party (a rare occasion, but these are pretty good friends), and he'll be spending a week with the Dykstras in Arizona in just a few days.

Kristin & Josh had some good news to share today, but we won't spoil it for them in case they haven't told you yet. ;-)

Praying for over 300 at church tomorrow. God is doing some exciting things among us. Eric met with our missions team for the first time today. They will be responsible for finding missionaries for us to support (prayer, financial, other); supporting our church people in efforts of outreach both to our community and mission trips, etc. 5% of our church income is designated to missions. SO if you know of anyone who might like to share their missions work with our church & be considered for support, please pass their contact info. along to us.

All three of our children had haircuts today. I trimmed Aidan's bangs, but now I think he looks like a little Dutch girl. I think I need to take the scissors to some more of that blond hair again this week. Braden got a 1/2 inch buzz again (getting ready for Arizona!), and Holland had about 3 inches cut off, which, of course, looks much shorter since it's so light it curls right up again. I think her hair will thicken up a little more with this trim, so it won't be quite so flyaway. I think I'm going to give mine a shot this week. Eric will pay for his cut elsewhere. :-) I don't mess with his any more.

We'd appreciate your prayers as we make some financial overhauls in an effort to practice what we preach before we start a series on money management in 3 weeks. (It's called "MINE".)

OK, it's 10:07, so I'm off to bed (sorta).

Keep in touch!

God bless & keep you ... and make His face to shine upon you!


Blogger Alexandra said...

I miss you and love you Kelly Dkystra!

3:01 PM  
Blogger Alexandra said...

Dykstra! I can spell it!

3:02 PM  

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