Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sunday, January 15, 2006

We are tired this evening, but it was a good day.

There were nearly 300 at church again today. We've been over it once but are still flirting with that next milestone. Brad (one of our actors) and I did a rap today to introduce the topic (the Flipside of the Tablets: How the Ten Commandments Bring Freedom). We were a little nervous about this new (unique) way of approaching a topic, but it was quite a hit, drawing lots of laughter & applause. Brad is just hilarious anyway, and for some reason people get a kick out of seeing their pastor's wife do goofy things like that.

Eric spoke on the first two commandments today. "Be obsessed about God & only God...and don't worship other gods" (and he went on to discuss things our culture tends to worship instead.) It was excellent. You can now download text (rough notes) and audio-- listen online or burn to mp3 or cd--from our church's website.

We had a bunch of our "old" Grace kids over for lunch. Of course they're all college-age now. It was fun to just hang out with the old crowd for a while. Most of them are with us at The Crossing anyway, but don't get much attention from us because we're busy serving together & ministering to all the new people. When we got home, two of the guys were boiling the water & stirring the pasta sauce. Funny. Britney (our office manager) is so comfortable here, she got into the magic bars & milk and had dessert first.

Tonight Eric and I have a date to watch the season premiere of "24". We never watch much TV-- pretty much our only TV habit(s) include 10:30 pm That 70's Show about once a week.
We do watch a lot of DVD's, though, and recently finished watching last year's season of "24."
We were pleased to find out that this new season is starting up--and on an evening when we'll actually be able to watch it! The children will be watching "Felicity--and American Girl Adventure" upstairs. I told Braden that it has Revolutionary War fighting in it, so he's ok with it. :-)

This week Eric installed a shower in our basement. He and my dad had started it in November, but had to move a pipe & cement the floor at that time. So it's finally in...I used some saris my Aunt Diane gave me to make it pretty & private in that corner of the laundry room... Eric used it 3 times over the last couple of days...and then, poof! the water won't work any more. Anybody have any ideas what might be the problem??!!! All the other water faucets work just fine!

Next Sunday after luch at someone's house, we will begin our family vacation. At this point our only firm plans are 3 nights at Treasure Island in the WI Dells. Still are unsure of exactly where else we'll go, what we'll do, etc. I vote for relaxing at home some of the time, but that's totally against Eric's nature! :-) We'll see!

In February Braden will be flying to AZ with Eric's parents to visit the Boehlje's. He doesn't do well with unfamiliar situations/change, so we're working hard to get him excited about it! It will be SO GOOD for him! I'm excited for him!

Well I guess that's about it for now. Keep us posted on what's up with you!
Kelly for the Dykstras


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