Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Not much new to mention here. Hmmm....

2 weeks 'till I'm done with school! Yippee!

We're getting a hamster for Braden today. Much better than a dog.

We're dogsitting for some friends. They're house trained AND unconcerned about smells & food. Nice. (The dogs. Not the friends.) (Well, I suppose the friends are house trained too.)

My back (hip) is still giving me trouble, especially after I sit still for a while. A lady at church gave me another therapy treatment, but I'm honestly not sure if it is helping.

Ummmm... We're seeing some light as far as our schedule slowing goes. (Yeah, I say that today...)

Church continues to grow...

I'm thrilled that mom, dad, Katie & kids are coming May 20!

Well that's all I can think of at the moment!

Hope you are all well!



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