Friday, January 20, 2006

Friday Friday Friday

I guess I'm on a blogging roll this week.

Despite your overwhelming response to our shower plumbing problem, we have it figured out. If the water doesn't work, we just screw the shower head off, run the water for a minute, screw it back on, and then it works. NO, I don't know why. Everyone in the family loves the new shower (except me). The kids like the fact that the walls are clear, so they can see out and write in the steam. I don't use it because none of my "stuff" is down there, and, door on the laundry room & saris hanging or not, I still feel exposed taking a shower in a glass box in the corner of a large room.

Our vacation is fully planned now. 2 days working on some home projects (making use of Tuesday's preschool day for some alone time for Eric & I), 1 afternoon at the Mall of America's amusement park (or at least Chuck-E-Cheese), 4 days (3 nights) at Treasure Island in the Dells, 2 nights at smaller waterpark hotels (taking advantage of lodging specials), and 2 days finishing up the home projects. It's a nice compromise between Eric (adventure - guy) and I (stay home and relax surrounded by the comforts of home but with no responsibilitiesv- girl).

Today we looked at two possible office spaces for the church. One really seemed like a good idea, but we're determining if the rent is feasible. Well, it is feasible, but knowing it's at the expense of hiring a youth pastor, or doing more advertising, etc...we're not sure. With five people on staff now, it would REALLY be great to have a few offices rather than a 9'x18' room holding 3 computers on 2 desks. I suppose if you count the kitchen table, we have 3 desks. :-) We'd appreciate your prayers for wisdom. And our (Eric's) ability to take wisdom from the elder board in this area too. It's easy to sacrifice this area of our personal comfort for the sake of reaching people. (Which of course, God calls us to do. But he wants us to live healthily too...and having a working office 7 days a week in our home takes its toll on our family.)

Anyhoo, Eric's at Menard's picking up some things in preparation for our projects. He found ceiling fans for $10 and $12 apiece, so I think we're getting them for each bedroom (MUCH NEEDED!) Our other projects for next week include painting some 1"x4" (?) boards and installing them as baseboards in the boys' room; and scraping the flaking plaster & installing a chair rail & wainscoting/paneling on the lower half of the basement wall...and painting the upper half. I think Chrissie might come & help with that since she's currently "between employment situations."

We're just super grateful to God for His continued presence in our church, and in the ministries of it. He is bringing us some mature believers as leaders in the church, and this is wonderful! In the next couple of weeks, we're starting a class on prayer, a new Beth Moore Bible study for women, and a Dobson class on parenting. Exciting! In April, all of our addiction groups will be meeting under the umbrella of Celebrate Recovery, which will be a Thursday night worship service followed by small groups for the various addictions. Please pray for the leadership team of this endeavor!

OK, enough of my rambling. Be sure to keep in touch! You can comment here or email us!


Blogger Angella said...

Thanks for the birthday greeting! It's cool to read all of your church happenings...I hope you find an office sometimes soon. We both work from home, and sometime find that a greater space between work and home would be good. But then, we enjoy the flexibility...
God bless!!

1:47 PM  

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