Saturday, February 25, 2006


Saturday morning. I did something today that I don't think I've EVER done before. Or not, at least, in the last 5 years. I read my whole Better Homes and Gardens magazine in the course of one morning. WOW! My excuse for this blatant display of laziness? My upper back/neck REALLY hurt today. Have been feeling tight/hurting since Tuesday. I went to see "Dr. Brent" yesterday for an adjustment. Then...last night, this morning...aaahh, PAIN. Yes, sometimes the adjustment aggravates it. I'm hoping it works itself out. Eric has rubbed it for me-- my skin actually feels a bit bruised...but it remains really tight & painful. Sigh.

But, hey, I thoroughly enjoyed my magazine.

Eric's on the phone, but he'll be off in a sec. & will want the laptop back. It's Saturday, after all. Day of household chores & relaxing for "normal" people. Full day of work for my Eric.

We're starting the financial management series tomorrow. Yippee! Praying for God's wisdom to go forth...and for many ears to hear the word & lives to change! I have the morning off from "drama", but am opening the kids mistry morning instead.

Have a great day!


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