Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Yep, for any of you Seinfeld watchers, I have a label. Not an anti-dentite, but an anti-drive-ite. I hate driving. Pretty much anywhere. Which is why, if you're my Mom, or anyone from out of state, I only call you on the phone if I'm driving. Don't worry--I'm an EXCELLENT multi-tasker. Though I'd really like to eliminate multi-tasking from my life. But that's for another rant...I mean, blog.

Anyway, Eric is driving to pick Braden up today. He's multi-tasking, too. He actually took TWO phones with him so he can make all the calls that pastors have to make, while he drives. He's not a great multi-tasker, though, so your prayers would be apprecaited. :-) He's meeting his dad & Braden in Albert Lea. We're pretty excited! We've missed our Braden. Braden says he's excited to be coming home, but bummed, too.

Holland had a tummyache this morning, which prompted me to nix the dance class plans. She's feeling better now, and dance doesn't start for another 10 minutes, but, alas, we don't have a car. Brit will be here shortly & technically we could borrow hers, or Chrissie's truck--she's on her way, too...but, hey, we already made our plans.

Mailing day today! We're sending out the ad for the new series at church. 330 postcards to our current database. That's why Chrissie's coming. She's going to help us stick labels & stamps.

This week we're also addressing WHERE to put all the babies that keep showing up to our church nursery! Tara & Steph had 15 babies last Sunday (they had helpers too), but they're crammed into the spot between the front theater row and the screen in a small theater. We're also making plans for further alleviation of space for the fall. Maybe a local community center gym. Your prayers, again, would be really appreciated.

Well I'm off to cut postcards! You can see a similar ad for the new series on

Have a great day!
Sola Deo Gloria!


Blogger Angella said...

I have yet to meet a man who can multi-task...
You must be happy to get to see Braden!
I haven't listened to the Sabbath sermon yet - we're doing the Alpha marriage course, and it seems to be taking up all of our free time.
I'll be sure to check it out when the course is over :)

6:05 PM  

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