Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dancing & Fishing

Well, I did survive Eric's retreat, and amazingly he survived mine this past week, although he did manage (with the help of Aidan) to lose the car keys & had to take all the kids to school late on Tuesday morning, when he finally got ahold of our friend Keith to drive them. Then he got ahold of Dave to take him to pick me up, but a minute later he found the keys behind the kitchen door. So he flew to pick me up about an hour late. Fine with me, but he was pretty frazzled. But he took me to Perkins for brunch & we had a very nice chat.

Today is FISHING OPENER, so Eric and Daemynn are on their way to Tennison, but the high is 50 today, and there's a 50% chance of rain. It is a NASTY day for fishin', but since he's been waiting SIX months for today, he's out there. This morning we had Holland's dress rehearsal for her dance recital tomorrow. It's about a 20 minute drive from here, in Osseo. Aidan & I took her. She did a great job & is very excited about tomorrow.

On Thursday, nine of us from church had the fantastic opportunity to go to the Relevance conference at Eagle Brook Church in Lino Lakes. It was an inspiring day & a little bit educational, too. Britney & I did the Marketing & Communications breakout at the end of the day, so we're excited about implementing a few ideas we gleaned. Cool!

I have a headache & the kids are listening very loudly to Mr. Henry's Bible Stories & playing hot wheels in here, so I'm off to the (relative) peace of my bedroom to make a grocery list.

Happy Mother's Day tomorrow!


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