Some Kinda Monday

A good 6 inches of it.
I'm not crazy about it, but Aidan begged to go out and shovel the driveway.

Braden was bummed because no school also meant no field trip today. And his daddy was going to chaperone. (!)
Eric's deeply absorbed in

Holland is creatively happy as usual.

Britney was NOT excited about being photographed, but even she could not escape me once I was on the digital warpath.

I refused to photograph myself, and for that you can be thankful. As of 4:08 p.m., I have not brushed my teeth today, nor have I done anything to cause myself to appear the least bit appealing. I will as soon as I'm done here, I promise. But here's a shot of the cookies I made while chatting on the phone with my daddy. (OK, minus the ones that were eaten before fully cooled.)

Our van is at the shop--with a new battery & oil change--and we're headed to pick it up in a few minutes. The white car--ka-blam!--started right up when the guys went to tow it last night. Someone suggested something about a vapor lock. But whatever it was, it's not a problem anymore. At least not today. :-)
Since I' psyched to have figured out how to include photos here, I'm including one of my favorites of Eric and I. Have a great week!
Yay for photos! What a great looking family! And great looking cookies :)
And I'm complaining about cool weather - at least we don't have snow. Though, now that I typed that, it will probably snow :)
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