Sunday, March 12, 2006

Two Car Weekend

Well, our van quit yesterday.
And our white car (sans power steering), which we were using today, quit today.
At the gas station after church.
A nice lady took the kids & I home while Eric walked up the block to Taco Bell, where Dave & Tyler, Brit & David were having lunch. They tried to get it started, but couldn't.

Keith is coming over tonight with his truck to help Eric pull BOTH cars to the Precision Auto Care parking lot. Sigh. Just when you think it's smooth sailing. I suppose this is what the emergency fund is for. God's in charge. Good thing, too.

Church was super today. Attendance was a little lower than lately...294...but the drama was great (I had two new actors up today), and the talk was excellent.

I have a royal headache. Got it about 1:00, took a long nap from about 3-5, and was ok...but it's coming back now.

Nikki and Derrick are coming to watch Harry Potter 4 with Eric and I tonight (the kids can't watch it). Well, that's all I have energy to write for now! Hope you're all well! Keep in touch!


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