Sunday, April 16, 2006


Happy Easter!
I was reminded by my grandparents this evening that I haven't blogged in a while.
So here's the latest from the Dykstra front (though Grandpa & Grandma Coulter don't need to read this since we just chatted on the phone.)

We've spent the past 2 weeks preparing for and "doing" church off-site, at a local junior high school. We were concerned about space issues in the theater. Plus we can't use it on Friday night, and we needed to do a Good Friday service. All three --Palm Sun., Good Fri., and Easter, went really well. We are thankful to God for the really cool stuff He's doing in The Crossing, and we're pretty relieved that the past 2 weeks are over.

God brought 392 people to our church this morning. Right at the 400 Eric had been praying for. Awesome!

We enjoyed having Kristin and Josh with us for church & lunch today. Dave Phelps was with us also for lunch. Josh and I played 3 competitive games of ping-pong. I'm bummed to say that he won 2, but I did win 1, and 1 also went to like 22. So I think he enjoyed the challenge--and I know I did!

Rather than Easter candy, we bought our family a Bocce Ball set for Easter. It is a fun yard game that we can play together. Eric, Braden & I played this afternoon, but Aidan & Holland were too busy playing in water & mud in the garage & front flower bed.

Tomorrow we plan to go to a park or lake with Daemynn & Tara & family. Hoping the weather will be as nice as it is today. It's way above average temp here lately--and I LOVE it!!! Woo hoo! Thank you GOD!!

We're all pretty healthy, though I do have a cough still. Thanks to Aunt Julaine's emails, I've been stocking up on natural remedies. Can't convince my children that the garlic capsules are candy, though. But we do call them "poppers", because when you bite them, they pop open. We've all been on multivitamins, too. Yeah, I'm on the road to being SuperMom... haha...

Braden turned 9 last Monday. Where has the time gone?

God is good. Have a lovely week!



Blogger Angella said...

When you feel a cold coming on, another good natural thing to try is COLD FX.
My friend is a pharmacist, but she uses natural remedies first, if possible :)
Glad to hear an update!

8:51 AM  

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