Thursday, March 16, 2006

Pray for Adam Part II

Hi All...

Our friend Adam has a type of sarcoma. It's not cool. The good news they got today (clearly in response to the prayer Eric & Adam shared this afternoon--a specific request for good news at the 4:30 consultation)--it's not the type that attacks the organs. Praise God!!

There's a website you can visit to see pictures of Adam & family--and get updates as the family journals. Go to Click on "visit". The site name is Adamprest.

Please visit this site, get an update on Adam's journey, and pray! Pray! You can sign the guestbook, too. Please do-- I know it is very encouraging to Adam & his family to know that so many brothers & sisters in Christ (whom they don't even know!) are storming the gates of heaven on behalf of Adam.

Thank you!


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