Monday, May 01, 2006

Lonely Monday

Well I'm without Eric today. I know, I live, love, parent, and work with him 24/7/52, so I have no reason to complain about a measly 42 hours that he'll be gone. But, sniff, sniff, I'm spoiled.

Eric's at Pacem in Terris ( (it's Latin for Peace on Earth) for a silence/solitude retreat. It's an amazing place; I'm going next Sun-Tue, and Dave's going the week after. Dave & I went at the same time last time, and they thought we were married (eek!!). Fortunately when you're there, you never see anyone else who's there. (Though Eric and I can't go at the same time because, let's just say, the nuns would certainly frown on the behavior I'm certain Eric would attempt.)

Pray for Eric as he's there... that he would be rested, refreshed, and hear from God. I always LOVE to hear what he has to say after he's had some extended time with God. Eric is the most exciting guy I know--- he always has a great idea. Seriously, whenever he says, "I've been thinking..." I drop whatever I'm doing & listen up. 'Cause it could mean we're moving to Georgia. Or Pennsylvania. Or Iowa. Or another place in Iowa. Or another place in Iowa. Or another place in Iowa. Or Minnesota. Or another place in Minnesota. Or another place in Minnesota. YES, these have all happened.

Fortunately, we're pretty committed to this place. So it's generally something cool about our relationship or something new about God, life, our kids, or our church. :-) He's SO COOL.
Eric, I mean. But God too.

It has been raining here FOREVER. I'm waiting for the river to head across the field & into our basement. (That wouldn't be cool.) But the rain is directly proportionate to my "bad mothering". I'm letting my kids WATCH TV. Public TV, of course, but quite beyond the usual Arthur at 7 am or Clifford at 8. But we had a long day yesterday, and I'm drained, and so are they. Braden claimed he was too tired to go to school today. I would have believed him if he hadn't gotten up at his usual time, without being awakened. I think over this whole school year, we've awakened him maybe twice. He's an early bird. Always has been. When he was like 18 months old, he'd hand us our glasses and tell us to get up.

We drove him to school this morning & then went to the bank, where Holland & Aidan got suckers for breakfast. (!) Back home again for the end of the cereal, bagels, and, well, Sesame Street.

I'm off for a restful Sabbath Monday. This blog has been brought to you by the letter "R". As in Rain, Rest, Relax, and Really lonely for my husband. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well it sounds as if you have had an intresting morning so far. If it means anything, I too would miss Matt if he left for a few days. In fact Matt will be leaving for a whole week in june!! Sad :( Well besides that, that is funny how Braden tried to get out of going to school. Well, have a good Monday!!!

9:09 AM  
Blogger Angella said...

Matthew & his Dad went on a business trip last week, and he was gone for THREE nights! I hated it too (and we also are together 24/7)
Hope the time flies by :)

1:23 PM  

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