Saturday, March 18, 2006

Pray for Adam Part III

Adam's cancer is widespread. He is getting shots to boost his immune system for several days. Then he starts the most aggressive chemo available. He's a union pipe fitter. They have medical insurance, but I know they will experience many needs in the coming months. Please let me know if you feel God leading you to help out any way. Email me,

Thanks. Please keep praying.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Pray for Adam Part II

Hi All...

Our friend Adam has a type of sarcoma. It's not cool. The good news they got today (clearly in response to the prayer Eric & Adam shared this afternoon--a specific request for good news at the 4:30 consultation)--it's not the type that attacks the organs. Praise God!!

There's a website you can visit to see pictures of Adam & family--and get updates as the family journals. Go to Click on "visit". The site name is Adamprest.

Please visit this site, get an update on Adam's journey, and pray! Pray! You can sign the guestbook, too. Please do-- I know it is very encouraging to Adam & his family to know that so many brothers & sisters in Christ (whom they don't even know!) are storming the gates of heaven on behalf of Adam.

Thank you!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Some Kinda Monday


A good 6 inches of it.

I'm not crazy about it, but Aidan begged to go out and shovel the driveway.

Braden was bummed because no school also meant no field trip today. And his daddy was going to chaperone. (!)

Eric's deeply absorbed in The DaVinci Code, in preparation for a 2-week series on the topic in May.

Holland is creatively happy as usual.

Britney was NOT excited about being photographed, but even she could not escape me once I was on the digital warpath.

I refused to photograph myself, and for that you can be thankful. As of 4:08 p.m., I have not brushed my teeth today, nor have I done anything to cause myself to appear the least bit appealing. I will as soon as I'm done here, I promise. But here's a shot of the cookies I made while chatting on the phone with my daddy. (OK, minus the ones that were eaten before fully cooled.)

Our van is at the shop--with a new battery & oil change--and we're headed to pick it up in a few minutes. The white car--ka-blam!--started right up when the guys went to tow it last night. Someone suggested something about a vapor lock. But whatever it was, it's not a problem anymore. At least not today. :-)

Since I' psyched to have figured out how to include photos here, I'm including one of my favorites of Eric and I. Have a great week!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Two Car Weekend

Well, our van quit yesterday.
And our white car (sans power steering), which we were using today, quit today.
At the gas station after church.
A nice lady took the kids & I home while Eric walked up the block to Taco Bell, where Dave & Tyler, Brit & David were having lunch. They tried to get it started, but couldn't.

Keith is coming over tonight with his truck to help Eric pull BOTH cars to the Precision Auto Care parking lot. Sigh. Just when you think it's smooth sailing. I suppose this is what the emergency fund is for. God's in charge. Good thing, too.

Church was super today. Attendance was a little lower than lately...294...but the drama was great (I had two new actors up today), and the talk was excellent.

I have a royal headache. Got it about 1:00, took a long nap from about 3-5, and was ok...but it's coming back now.

Nikki and Derrick are coming to watch Harry Potter 4 with Eric and I tonight (the kids can't watch it). Well, that's all I have energy to write for now! Hope you're all well! Keep in touch!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Pray For Adam

Hi Folks!

Our friend & small group member Adam Prest went to the doctor last week to have a cough checked out. Turns out he has a tumor in his chest, and next week will be going to Mayo for a couple of days to have tests & a biopsy done. Please pray that this will be benign, or at least that whatever it is can be easily taken care of. Adam and his wife Erin have a 6+ month old baby, Adison.

Thanks for your prayers.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Clean sheets & a clean kid too.

Aidan doesn't smell sick anymore. :-) You mommies know that smell. It's not puke; it's not from the other end, either. It's this combination of cough, apple juice, slobbery thumb, and whatever food we've gotten them to eat--all toasted by a good steamin' fever. But Aidan got a bath this morning, and then he... (drum roll, please) ...PLAYED! Yesssss! He's better!

Holland went to school today, though Aidan didn't. So did Braden. I aired out the house (brrrr!) and washed sheets, pillowcases, blankets...

They still have coughs but life is better. We have the vaporizer running full steam (pun intended).

Ooops! Eric's headed my way! Better run!