Strep Throat and reverse order
It looks like I was a fairly faithful blogger for a while there... Sigh...
But, hey, here I am again, and I'm mostly doing this because of 2 things: 1. I have strep throat & can do little else, and 2. I have some great pictures from ValleyFair to share with you.
So let's get the strep thing out of the way first. It hit me like a ton of bricks on Wednesday at about 2 pm. By Thursday evening I had a temp of 103.2, but was still rebelling against going to the doc; using some natural things instead. THEN I looked at my throat, and...well, I'll spare you the details... and THEN during another night of very little sleep due to the intensity of my fever, chills, sweating, blah, blah, blah... I decided I must go to the doctor. Went Friday morning (since by then I knew it had to be strep).
Yep. Got a prescription, and while I began today (Saturday) still in fairly bad shape, as the day has progressed, so has my health. My energy is still severly lacking, and I probably won't swim at tomorrow's baptism & picnic at the lake...but I'm no longer contagious, and I can WALK (albeit slowly). Praise God for giving us the good wisdom to do what we need to on occasion, despite what we'd prefer. And for a husband who is so kind and generous with his time and energies (even if he's not the most sympathetic soul in the world--neither am I--) and for Holland and Aidan who made--and cleared the table from--their own supper the night Eric & Braden were gone to a supper meeting & soccer. My family is wonderful!
ANYWAY... We went to ValleyFair Monday to celebrate Eric & Aidan's birthdays (Sunday & Monday, respectively). We got there about 11 am, and left around 9 pm. We had supper & birthday cake & presents in the grass by the parking lot. You might notice I forgot a lighter, so Aidan pretended to blow the candles out. :-) So here are some of my favorite pictures from our day. (You can click on a pic to enlarge it.) The final picture cracks Eric & I up, because it so perfectly describes our 3 children's personalities: Holland: "Wheeeee!!!" (free spirit); Aidan: "Hee hee hee...I'm up to something that's gonna ROCK!"; and Braden: "I don't know if this is a good idea. Give me the details and let me decide."
Scroll down and look. You'll get it. Have a great week!