Whoa...It's been awhile!
Soooo here we go!
Eric has a sinus infection brought on by allergies, a new thing to us. He just went to the doctor (also a new thing), and got prescriptions for Allegra and Amoxicilin. Hopefully this will help. The over-the-counter Claritin wasn't making a dent in the load of yukky stuff in his head.
Kelly had a short-lived job as a cheerleading stunt coach for a local high school. When the head coach resigned, she wasn't needed any more, as the replacement coach was capable of coaching stunts. It was fun while it lasted, and the money was attractive. :-) She continues to write & direct drama sketches for church, which, incidentally, is why she sat down at the computer, but is being distracted by blogging. Kelly is thrilled to be finished with her college degree and is relieved that she's finally qualified to do whatever it is she does. She's busy right now helping Chrissie and Garrett plan their wedding (Nov. 12).
Braden is spending his second day at Kaleidoscope Charter School in Rogers. It's about a 10 minute drive from our house. He's in Ms. Rhoades' 3 & 4th grade class. So far, he loves it!
He will be learning geometry & Spanish this year, among other things, of course. The school is small, and we're looking forward very much to the unique learning opportunities it offers.
Holland returned to dance class today. Only two of her former classmates are attending, so she met lots of new friends today. We are looking into putting her in a preschool, but probaby won't until November, when (hopefully) her mommy can earn a (very) little bit of salary for her work for the church. There's a place called Leaps & Bounds at the end of our street, and she would go from 8:30-1:30 on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Aidan might go, too. They also would learn Spanish and sign language, too!
Speaking of Aidan, he's just as busy as ever with his John Deere tractors and drums. He is (FINALLY) making progress in potty training. He went a few times yesterday and once at Holland's dance class today! I was bribing him with Hershey's Kisses, but on Monday he told me, "I don't like chocolate." (Anything to keep from having to sit on the toilet.)
Church is going well. God keeps bringing us the people He wants to use to minister within the church. Most recently, He is surprising us by bringing various people interested in helping to lead recovery groups. Under the umbrella of Celebrate Recovery, it looks like the church will be offering groups for alcholholism, narcotic addicition, sex addiction, food addiction, and struggling marriages. This is very exciting to us, and with the exception of the food addiction program which I (Kelly) am championing, these are not areas that we ourselves have sought to address. People within the church have approached us about these. WOW!
A week ago Sunday, God brough 203 people to church--this is the largest number since Grand Opening. We are kicking off our Fall series this week. A mailer will be hitting mailboxes in Big Lake, Zimmerman, Elk River and Otsego today or tomorrow. Please pray that God will use these mailers to draw people to a place where they can find Him.